
Dark Gates - Release 0.4.1

New release is mainly a bugfix one. Two major bugs has been squashed. One is a non QWERTY keyboard support. For every one who is not using QWERTY setup, latest game features has been not accessible. This is now fixed and you should be able to play Dark Gates on any keyboard. Second major bug was affecting Windows version only, were some tiles had wrong names which end up in game crash if tile has been selected. Lastly, in this release Windows version has been shipped with debug console. If you still experiencing game crashes, please run Dark Gates from command line and debug console  will show errors in event of sudden crash. Please report any problems to me.

When updating to 0.4.1 I strongly advise to uninstall last version and do a fresh install. To preserve your team layouts and save games please do a backup for savegame dir:

Linux: ~/desura/common/dark-gates/savegame/

Windows: C:\Program Files\Desura\commom\dark-gates\savegame

Release 0.4.1 alpha
New: hero All Zebest
bugfix: non QWERTY keyboard layouts support
bugfix: more corrections to English,French & Polish translations
bugfix: Windows version - some tile names were wrong resulting in game crash

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